Groovynight: Interstellar shells in Cassiopeia
Groovynight: Ghost of Cassiopeia (Widefield)
Groovynight: Coathanger, Loch Ness Nebula, and many more LDNs and LBNs in the constellation Vulpecula
Groovynight: A deep view into the area around Sh2-140 in Cepheus
Groovynight: Regulus and the Leo I Dwarf Galaxy
Groovynight: NGC 7822 in Cepheus (alternative SHO color palette)
Groovynight: NGC 7822 in Cepheus in SHO
Groovynight: The Dark Mermaid in Cepheus
Groovynight: Lobster Claw Nebula and Bubble Nebula Widefield in RGB_HOO
Groovynight: The "Loch Ness Dark Nebula" in Vulpecula
Groovynight: The "Heart and Soul Nebula" in powerful HOORGB
Groovynight: The North America Nebula & Pelican Nebula in colorful HOORGB
Groovynight: The Jellyfish Nebula in RGB
Groovynight: The Butterfly Nebula (IC 1318) in powerful SHO
Groovynight: M13 - The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules
Groovynight: The Pinwheel Galaxy (M 101) with Supernova SN 2023ixf
Groovynight: M 3 (NGC 5272) Globular Cluster in Canes Venatici
Groovynight: H and χ Persei embedded in H-alpha clouds and dust
Groovynight: The Perseus Double Cluster (h and χ Persei) in HaRGB
Groovynight: Bode's & Cigar Galaxies & Friends & Galactical Cirrus
Groovynight: Sh2-124 in Cygnus (HOO-Version)
Groovynight: The Great Orion Nebula surrounded by gas and dust in HOORGB
Groovynight: VdB 14, VdB 15, Sh2-202 & Stock 23 in Camelopardalis (Widefield)
Groovynight: VdB 14, VdB 15, Sh2-202 & Stock 23 in Camelopardalis (Widefield)
Groovynight: North America & Pelican Nebula (2-panel mosaic)
Groovynight: The "Jellyfish Nebula" in Gemini
Groovynight: Widefield Sh2-134 and Sh2-135 in Cepheus in powerful SHO
Groovynight: Wizard Nebula and Sh2-139 Widefield
Groovynight: Elephant Trunk Ver 4 kontrast
Groovynight: The Tulip Nebula in Cygnus (Widefield)