Steffen Walther: By the fjord (Explored, 11.11.2024)
frantiekl: Autumn romance
Nature's Spectrum: Afternoon Sanctuary
Richard Melton: Blue Hour Shopping
gernot72: a311-33-violetter-lacktrichterling
BlueberryAsh: Gap of Dunloe Z62_6579
Jim Williams 3420: Still harbour
Luigi Remonti: Autumnal landscape
dominique dubied: Coming out of the mist
Rita Eberle-Wessner: The silence of autumn
robertosivieri: MISTY MORNING HILLS (02-11-2024-Explored)
Oguzhan Amsterdam: Amsterdam - Grachten
Larry’s Photo: _D854974-ORI-NEW
images@twiston: Daybreak at the copse
Thomas Vanderheyden: Matin brumeux
frantiekl: Autumn morning
Lejos de Boneville: Mañana brumosa...
.niraw: Pilz (explored)
patkilner123: Morning light
donlope1: Gang de fritillaires
donlope1: Morning light
donlope1: Sunset flower
donlope1: Snowdrop
donlope1: A la pêche
Capturing The Elements: A Geologist Playground