• Delphine •: "J'ai la sensation que t'hésites entre te laisser pousser les jambes et t'acheter une jupe."
• Delphine •: Anisantha sterilis / 1
Moni_bergauf: . Exit
Mathilda LeLapin: I'm just Ken
Moni_bergauf: . Read my book
kittyslave: 01 October 2023
drugodragodiego: Dai diamanti non nasce niente, dal letame nascono i fior - Ritratto di Gianni
Moni_bergauf: .good morning ☀️
Moni_bergauf: there's almost nearly nothing to see in that light and softness ;-) and I'm pretty happy about it
Moni_bergauf: . silence and peace are golden, open spaces too.
• Delphine •: J’ai froid