Geoff Head*: Little Egret (Egretta garzetta)
andrewsloan1964: Green hairstreak
skloi: Fasan
Tim Melling: Great Crested Grebe
festoon1: Holly Blue (Celastrina argiolus)
jschn1: kleiner Wollschweber
Tim Melling: Mistle Thrush
Phil Gower Bird Photography: "I SAID...FEED ME!"
Paul..A: Razorbill
steve moore B.O.B: SWT Carlton Marshes Marsh Harrier
Emmanuelle2Aime2Ailes: Attendons la relève
Tim Melling: Skylark with its crest raised
Bine&Minka2007: P1540628-I'd have to go back to my manicure. -Zur Maniküre müsste ich auch mal wieder
Jabi Artaraz: Hacia Pol-pol
Phil Gower Bird Photography: "A Liitle Bit of Bread and No Cheese"
Tim Melling: Black-necked Grebe
Katarzyna Aleksandra: A lonely swan...
kevin-64: Great tit
Víctor Ortega Horcajo: Misty Roe Deer
steve moore B.O.B: Farne island shag hehe not bad considering I was on a boat in 2m swells
mgreiersen: Row of trees fading in the fog
Tim Melling: Pied Wagtail
Lakes4life: Wasp My Garden Apr 2018
Ian Mc Farlane: Greenfinch, Carduelis chloris
digiphill: Tree Sparrow
jujubaker: Whooper swan landing