maestro_mocs: PITtober 2024: Pit Roodaka
VelociJACKtor: PITtober 2024: Trench Wanderers
Cement Addiction: PITtober 2024: False Tuyet
iluvkillerobots: PITtober 2024: Pit Brutaka
djokson: carneval II
MySnailEatsPizza: Swarm Valkyrie: Regius
MucusDrizzle: Swarm Valkyrie: Rotor-Fly
impactdeficiency: Swarm Valkyrie: Resonance
Braylon Double Dipper of chips: Swarm Valkyrie: Thela Hun Ginjeet
Space Glove: Swarm Valkyrie: Kubra Guru
stereodd: The Yesterday Questers
A Plastic Infinity: Toa Kualus
VelociJACKtor: Poecilotheria Silvakia
VelociJACKtor: Picnic Raider
VelociJACKtor: Artakha, the Living Forge
VelociJACKtor: Karzahni, the Living Nightmare
Sparks ️: Mazeka
!ggs: Vultraz
Grayson M!: Krika
Brick Brickolson: Helryx the First Toa
stereodd: Relic from the Past
JakTheMad: The Caretaker and the Cloud Beast
Sergei Rahkmaninoff: Spirit Eater
jayfa_mocs: Zen Garden