Legojunky: 2019-04-06_08-14-56
Legojunky: Update
Legojunky: Update
Legojunky: Update
Legojunky: Update
Legojunky: Updated..not a big redo but subtle changes
Legojunky: Life brick capt. America
Legojunky: Life brick capt. America
Legojunky: Life brick capt. America
Legojunky: Life brick capt. America
Legojunky: How do you like the new hair piece
Legojunky: How do you like the new hair piece
Legojunky: How do you like the new hair piece
Legojunky: Batzarro and capt. Wonder woman
Legojunky: 2 of my apoc warriors
Legojunky: My custom accessories.. I know its not alot but little by little I'm getting my collection
Legojunky: Finally got my batkitty thanks to agoodfella and outside bricks for making it.. They are both aesome figs
Legojunky: Finally got it.. Its freaking awesome
Legojunky: Lyls capt. Kitty
Legojunky: Pcb deadpool
Legojunky: Noble night
Legojunky: Black flash
Legojunky: Jean
Legojunky: Spider pig spider pig does what ever a spider pig does
Legojunky: Got new bat that smiles
Legojunky: 2018-11-29_10-32-44
Legojunky: 2018-11-29_10-32-30
Legojunky: Idk its either a boat or hover crafter or something lol
Legojunky: Waiting on the rest to fill it up.. Now i need moree cases
Legojunky: Udated apocolypse