antoinebouyer: Le soleil plonge vers l'horizon
Kenny Teo (zoompict): Iceland Highlight
Kenny Teo (zoompict): Lotus ice @ diamond beach Iceland
Mila Stepanova: Fragile hydrangeas
wrcarroll57: Rainy Morning in late autumn
tonybill: Callicarpa bodinieri "Profusion"
NORDIC Lightbeams: Rapids at Thjorsa River
NORDIC Lightbeams: Seljalandsfoss II
tobias-eger: AutumnLeaves
tobias-eger: forestMorningGlow
Jorge M. Rosa: Oztarreta
Felip Prats: Una albada més...
eagle1effi: SX60 HS - as good as it gets - reed & sunset - Schilfrohr mit Sonnenuntergang - Holderfeld Tübingen - - Best sunset - crop #003
Helgi G Sigurdsson: hgs_n8_080846
Helgi G Sigurdsson: hgs_n8_080886
Helgi G Sigurdsson: hgs_n8_080874
austin granger: Under the St. Johns Bridge, Portland
michael ryan photography: Black and Light
Tim RT: The Beauty
antoinebouyer: Gazania
NicoleW0000: Camp Robber on frosty pine
Alfredo.Ruiz: Reykjafoss
antoinebouyer: Fleur et fourmi en photo macro
antoinebouyer: Le soleil se cache derrière ces nuages avant de se coucher