andredekesel: Flammulina velutipes
Kitty Kono: Straddling the Line
jimmy hoffman: Katydid nymph
The Aussie Art Maker: Dolophones - Wrap Around spider - ♂️
JesúsÁngel: Pieris napi_4080012-Editar
andredekesel: Chrysodema walkeri
L'Teigneux: Rocks
Xx7trey: Spined assassin bug (Sinea diadema)
The Aussie Art Maker: Mantidfly --
pentagonjack: Echinopla
felipe bosolito: 24J00454
pu5z3k: oOOo
AndyNeal: Honey Bee (Apis mellifera)
Olaf Craasmann: slime sculpture
Olaf Craasmann: greetings
andredekesel: Calochroa flavomaculata
andredekesel: Megalofrea bioculata
Xx7trey: Chestnut carpenter ant (Camponotus castaneus)
jimmy hoffman: Having breakfast
Philippe Lherm: Black bird
The Aussie Art Maker: Australian Native Bee -- Subgenus Chilalictus from the Genus Lasioglossum ♀️
Outstanding_macro: Golden beetle
Ralf Hüsges: Hornisse
crispiks: Huntsman
:) Helder Lopes: Nemoptera bipennis
jimmy hoffman: Pseudocreobotra wahlbergi
Phil Arachno: Orthoptera, Taeniopoda reticulata