austindca: orbweaver in the garden
Axel Bührmann: Shelob on the attack
Hobbyknipsel: Hirschkäfer ♂
Hobbyknipsel: Kleiner Schlehen-Zipfelfalter
Ralf Hüsges: Azurjungver
quenoteam: Rhynchophorus ferrugineus
pu5z3k: Robber fly
Kitty Kono: The Camouflaged Looper
Outstanding_macro: Golden beetle
jimmy hoffman: Peacock mantis
F.Hendre: Common Crab Spider (Xysticus cristatus)
Xx7trey: Grasshopper (Melanoplus)
g.cordel: Saga pedo
Xx7trey: Arcigera flower moth (Schinia arcigera)
Hobbyknipsel: Hirschkäfer ♂
jimmy hoffman: Metallyticus splendidus
Hobbyknipsel: Wir heben ab...
The Aussie Art Maker: Two Tail Spider -- Tamopsis Genus
jimmy hoffman: Pink polkadots
Alone again. Naturally.: Oedemera nobilis (Swollen-thighed Beetle) female on White Bryony
peterschmidt2711: Gonepteryx rhamni
jimmy hoffman: Threat display
The Aussie Art Maker: Crab Spider - Thomisidae 32 images stacked
Hobbyknipsel: Federlibelle ♀
F.Hendre: A very large female Eratigena
jimmy hoffman: Hymenopus coronatus
Hobbyknipsel: Brautgeschenkspinne ♀
F.Hendre: A very gravid Attulus pubescens