Christoph Strässler: Valley of Tenthousend Smokes, Katmai National Park
IowaCityWildlifeCaptures: ICIA - A09-TOK1-JU19_00128
IowaCityWildlifeCaptures: ICIA - A06-SYC1-JU19_00042
IowaCityWildlifeCaptures: ICIA - A10-ACT1-JA19_00274
IowaCityWildlifeCaptures: ICIA - A10-ACT1-AP19_00055
IowaCityWildlifeCaptures: ICIA - A01-RES1-JU19_00064
endrunner: Perry Mollan at the Helm
IowaCityWildlifeCaptures: @ Shimek Prairie
IowaCityWildlifeCaptures: @ Terry Trueblood
oeyvind: Bagan
heet_myser: Dusky Birch Sawfly
cowyeow: Energy Boosting Nutrition Cookie
cowyeow: Plains Garter Snake (Thamnophis radix)
quiltzbypattiz: 7-9 eggs
heet_myser: Global Thermonuclear War
heet_myser: Devil's Tower
heet_myser: Devil's Tower