Leandro Pena: Andreza
Lt. Sweeney: La Tripita de Cris // 03
Lt. Sweeney: Katja - 02
Travis Hoskins: DSC_6147
adde adesokan: Keep your head up!, Kandi - Sri Lanka
adde adesokan: Somewhere, Train between Ella and Kandy - Sri Lanka
look at my world: Botanical
Can Dagarslani: Sophie Bogdan
Can Dagarslani: Sophie Bogdan
Ronny Garcia Moron: "The mark that you left on me"
Ronny Garcia Moron: The reflection of the soul
Ronny Garcia Moron: "Grey state" 317/365
MarceloCamelo: Mallu em Berlim 2012 Leica IIIa
mairamfaria: Retrato
floranegri: Helena
floranegri: Isabella Santoni
floranegri: Amandha Monteiro
floranegri: Ágatha Moreira Para Marie Claire Brasil
floranegri: Nicole
Maina Almeida: Flamboyant.