MintyLove: Minty Fresh
P@LJAS: Flames
Arranion: The First Letter of My Surname - [MacroMondays_20190318]
OnkiPonki: MacroMonday - The first letter of my last name
OnkiPonki: MacroMonday - Jewelry
Arranion: Jewelry - [MacroMonday_20190304]
Arranion: Hard Light - [MacroMondays_20190218]
OnkiPonki: MacroMonday - HardLight
OnkiPonki: MacroMonday - Holes
MintyLove: Holes
P@LJAS: Mash Paddle
OnkiPonki: MacroMonday- Cloth
P@LJAS: Cloth
Arranion: Cloth - [MacroMonday_20190128]
MintyLove: Cloth
P@LJAS: Damaged Glass Bottle
MintyLove: Twisted Plant
phileveratt: White on white
Travlin/Cindy16: DSC_9409-1
DeeClarkePhotography: White on White #2
alisonhalliday: White on white - a little white car - 1/76th scale - Macro Mondays
Jonathan Wynn: FAST food :-)
fotogake: Shades of white - shaving cream
Arranion: White on white - [MacroMondays_20190107]
P@LJAS: Plectrum
MintyLove: Bobbin
Arranion: Holiday Bokeh - [MacroMondays_20181224]
OnkiPonki: MacroMondays - Holiday Bokeh