MWardancer: Wood Elf Eternal Guard Regiment led by General Haldir Na Palm
MWardancer: Forest Hydra Terroria Pentahavoc
MWardancer: Forest Hydra Terroria Pentahavoc
MWardancer: Forest Hydra Terroria Pentahavoc
MWardancer: Wood Elf Silver Lords (revisited 2022)
MWardancer: Wood Elf Silver Lord Standard Bearer
Ayrlego: Mokolei Troops
BaCgroi: Order of the Black Bear - Foot Knights
BaCgroi: Swords of Ulric
Trebuchet CRO: IMG_20210917_121049~4
CASTOR-TROY: Steampunk Explorers
BaCgroi: Reiksguard Knights - The Knightly Order (Reikland)
King of Thronfeld: House Maine of Eltogar
Larsvader.: Color vs. monochrome
11inthewoods: Uruk-hai zombified
HaphazardPanda: Game Of Thrones Houses IV - House Baratheon of King's Landing: "Ours is the Fury"
BaCgroi: Reiksguard Foot (Reiksguard knights)
valerius_maximus: Black Falcon Outpost
BaCgroi: Helhunten's Redeemers (Stirland)
Trebuchet CRO: Blacksmith rebuild
MarcelV.: Al'Tamasuk Mansion
11inthewoods: The White Horse
~Koschei~: The Tower of Sepphoris, 1256
BaCgroi: Amazon Warriors Large Cats Riders
-Wat-: Protectors of the Orient
Rimaster_: Sylvanian Druid
Karf Oohlu Lite: Minotaur Cavalry
Rimaster_: Cosmic Wizard