Ideas and pictures: Vanellus chilensis lampronotus
Ideas and pictures: Adiós Borges
shlyachterm: Scotland Highland
shlyachterm: Nature’s Vibrance: Toucan’s Moment
shlyachterm: Colorful Display: A Close-Up of a Grasshopper’s Wings
nigelbond21st: Jeweled Flower Mantis
nigelbond21st: Coiling
nigelbond21st: Bright Cerulean
nigelbond21st: Ready to Hop
nigelbond21st: Andover Lionfish
nigelbond21st: Pelican Close-up
nigelbond21st: Horned Ghost Crab
nigelbond21st: Ball Python
nigelbond21st: Orange-spotted Snakehead
nigelbond21st: Common Bronzeback
calvinpriest71: Barn Swallow at Nisqually Nature Preserve
calvinpriest71: Bald Eagle flying low over Juanita Bay
calvinpriest71: Dragonfly at rest
calvinpriest71: Hooded Merganser preening peacefully
calvinpriest71: Hooded Merganser with fish
calvinpriest71: Anna's Hummingbird at Juanita Bay Park
calvinpriest71: Beaver swimming up Ravenna Creek
garrity_j: Chinese Mantis
g.cordel: Mylabres
aeneas66: Man made cascade or waterfall
stan sutton: New Zealand native Kingfisher_2401
nfcastro: Corveta General Pereira D’Eça
stan sutton: Weevil _MG_3367