Victoria totem frog
goat tower
Snap Man:
Our workspace in the garage
bernawy hugues kossi huo:
Labyrinth...Stargate...spiraling inward motion physical replication of our spiritual tendency to seek within highest truths eternal freedom...regular stops to pick up “prisoners” – the teleport run – and pick up supplies
RudiMag - Describe your pictures please!:
Asoka: Buddhism from Asia to Scandinavia:
17997 Six Faces Roman Iron Age Silver Needle, Öland, Sweden Statens Historiska Museum Stockholm
Marti Dean, Hastings Jack in the Green, Bogie pic
Magnus Ingvar:
Hrafn Photography:
The Mighty Book of the Old Norse Sorcery
J 19 Holmavik Musée de la sorcellerie (10)
Yogananda Puri:
guru dattatreya
burn a witch for jesus.:
animal liberation now!
Emile Horizon:
sans titre
Mountain|s Twin:
The Gates of Hell || Rodin
Three faces
Swedish National Heritage Board:
Girl with teddy bear at a rune stone in Söderby, Botkyrka, Södermanland, Sweden
Sigita Manite:
Trip to Torgau 2015. Day 8. Wewelsburg 1933-1945 Memorial Museum. Wewelsburg. Germany. 28 Apr'15
Swedish National Heritage Board:
Stone figures, White Island, Co. Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland
Janne Maikkula:
Saivovuoren haltiakivi - The stone Troll
Swedish National Heritage Board:
St. Kevin's Church, Glendalough, Co. Wicklow, Leinster, Ireland
Lil Bavvers:
Whitby Abbey
Swedish National Heritage Board:
Rune stone, Bröta, Grödinge, Södermanland, Sweden
Historic Environment Scotland:
Broch of Gurness, Orkney Islands 2009
Bobby Friel:
Midhowe Broch, Rousay, Orkney
Historic Environment Scotland:
Camus's Cross, Scotland in 2006