CarbonBuilds: Heavy Arms Division/General Infantry - 253rd Blood Battalion
Brick Cartel: Clone Mortar Trooper.
IbenTesara: A lone Le-Matoran
nobu_tary: Firest Order Heavy Gunner Stormtrooper
nobu_tary: Sandtrooper
nobu_tary: Sandtrooper
∅Sepulchure: Technoblade Lords
Toa Kaon: Doku Matoran of Karzahni
BobTheDoctor27: Matoran Sonitous
BobTheDoctor27: Turaga Matoro
Rеdverse: Onu-Matorans
BobTheDoctor27: Valiti and Emuyii
BobTheDoctor27: Matoran Jollun
BobTheDoctor27: Toa Gorta
BobTheDoctor27: Toa Gorta
BobTheDoctor27: Toa Kazaat
BobTheDoctor27: Toa Nuhrii
BobTheDoctor27: Toa Vhisola
BobTheDoctor27: Tablescrap Agori
BobTheDoctor27: Ko-Matoran Shapeways
BobTheDoctor27: Toa Labyth
Toa Kaon: Doku Matoran of Karzahni
ExplosiveTortuga: Water Tribe Glatorian WIP
ScotNick1: TTTE engines
LEGO DOU Moko: Skeleton
BobTheDoctor27: "Two Hands"
BobTheDoctor27: Toa Zaria
BobTheDoctor27: Zaria and Orde