astrorock999: Grand Héron
yikhonyu: Male Bufflehead
yikhonyu: Great Blue Heron vs Pumpkinseed
yikhonyu: Male Cape May Warbler
yikhonyu: Male Blackpoll Warbler
yikhonyu: Yellow-rumped Warbler
yikhonyu: Grumpy Male Lesser Scaup
yikhonyu: Male Blackpoll Warbler
yikhonyu: Blue Jay
yikhonyu: Chipping Sparrow
yikhonyu: Male Pine Warbler
Guy Lacroix: Magnificent Frigatebird, Frégate Superbe, Fregata Magnifica, Fregata Magnificens
Guy Lacroix: Yellow Grosbeak, Cardinal jaune, Picogrueso Amarillo, Pheucticus Chrysopeplus
fsong: The three of a kind
fsong: Let's don't forget the good summer days
fsong: Birding of 2018
hsiao0123456789: DSC_1040
yikhonyu: Male American Wigeon
yikhonyu: American Black Duck X Mallard
yikhonyu: Male Snowy Owl
yikhonyu: Male Snowy Owl
Kulama: Red-Deer-Stag-2978
MukeshPhoto: Close inspection...
Ana Mendes do Carmo: Águia-calçada ( Aquila pennata )
Simon Théberge: Épervier de Cooper / Cooper's hawk
biguglystuff: sandhill crane
billbigfish: Hurry up and take the shot, I'm growing old here.