isas16: Day 5: lost in the bowl
isas16: Day 4: a home
isas16: Day 3: lonely hearts club band
isas16: Day 2: quemaduras de sol
isas16: Day 1: ¿taxi miss?
isas16: Day 6: cacas y wawas
isas16: Day 7: el arte por el arte
isas16: Day 8: a city of people
isas16: Day 9: mate, siesta, y papas sin valor
isas16: Day 10: politics and pisco sour
isas16: Day 11: nap time
isas16: Day 12: amor y paz
isas16: Day 13: outer child!
isas16: Day 14: candid;)
isas16: Day 16: hungry thirsty thursday
isas16: Day 15: papaya mi salsa
isas16: Day 20: love me do!
isas16: Day 21: productivity vs modernism: chéeeevere
isas16: Day 22: celebrating the wrong holiday (14/2)
isas16: Day 22: dirigir>>seguir
isas16: Day 23: Organized Spontenaity//twenty-one!!!
isas16: Day 24: get crackin
isas16: Day 26: mind in the USofA because children are dead. #guncontrol #wecallbullshit
isas16: Day 27: resfriada
isas16: Day 28: deportistas
isas16: Day 29: pay ñak'ani ukukupi
isas16: Day 30: grenadilla, berenjena (//planta de huevo//aubergine)
isas16: Day 31: stay-in-bed day
isas16: Day 32: good conversations with gooder views
isas16: Day 33: the dogs huddle up when una hembra is in heat...