isas16: Day 119: 1 down
isas16: Day 118: Fool me twice...
isas16: Day 117: Taking a day off
isas16: Day 116: Going with the flow
isas16: Day 115: Dead men tell no tails. We, however, told a pretty fun story.
isas16: Day 114: ¡Viva Colombia!
isas16: Day 113: mango tango
isas16: Day 112: Baby steps and baby cups
isas16: Day 111: three peas in a cartagena pod
isas16: Day 110: 21 hours of waiting to __
isas16: Day 109: Madrugada Mountaineers
isas16: Day 108: Down. And up and down and up and up and down.
isas16: Day 107: Arequip- on chuggin along
isas16: Day 106: too tired and too sad for this to be goodbye
isas16: Day 105: treats
isas16: Day 104: ¡¡Simon!! +simon+elias+maca dirt
isas16: Day 103: family is a social construct that I love in all its forms
isas16: Day 102: well shit. life goes on.
isas16: Day 101: Back to the basics and nostalgic as hell
isas16: Day 100: red fish blue fish
isas16: Day 99: I've got 99 problems but a place to stay ain't one
isas16: Day 98: Not adios just chau!!!
isas16: Day 97: final finals finished fast
isas16: Day 96: smoky mist
isas16: Day 95: the most tranqui
isas16: Day 94: ignoring the encroaching finals
isas16: Day 95: who needs rest? me, that's who
isas16: Day 94: til we drop
isas16: Day 93: soooo much