beebeejaybee: All of the rows together ready for borders
beebeejaybee: blocks 10,11,12 ready to go
beebeejaybee: Block 12
beebeejaybee: Block 11
beebeejaybee: Block 10
beebeejaybee: Blocks 7 8 & 9 joined
beebeejaybee: FQS 2012 BOM Block 9
beebeejaybee: first storm at sea set up
beebeejaybee: patchwork squares
beebeejaybee: Progress on embroidery
beebeejaybee: thunk wiggle wiggle wiggle think shhhhhhh slow and steady
beebeejaybee: first Jewel
beebeejaybee: Ready for embroidery
beebeejaybee: one Dogwood blossom ready to be trimmed and framed
beebeejaybee: Handstitched on the train, one side to go
beebeejaybee: dogwood blossom started
beebeejaybee: flocked tank
beebeejaybee: FQS BOM 2012 Blocks 1-3
beebeejaybee: FQS BOM 2012 Blocks 4-6
beebeejaybee: Flying geese ready to start joining FQS BOM 2012 blocks
beebeejaybee: FQS BOM 2012 Block 7 "Moonlight Serenade"
beebeejaybee: FQS BOM 2012 Block 6 -"Town Square"
beebeejaybee: FQS BOM 2012 Block 5 -"Cherry Sundae"
beebeejaybee: FQS BOM 2012 Block 4 -"Breezy Afternoon"
beebeejaybee: FQS BOM 2012 Block 3 "Weather Vane"
beebeejaybee: FQS BOM 2012 Block 2 "Mint Julep"
beebeejaybee: FQS BOM 2012 Block 1 - " Laundry Days"
beebeejaybee: Colours for Handstitched course