Scatti di memoria: IMG_4140.jpg
art & mountains: dormiveglia
Birdmom50: Trees
Birdmom50: Trees
Birdmom50: Huge!
Birdmom50: Interesting...
Birdmom50: Trees
Birdmom50: Trees in my community
demirel.sachir: Valea Badenilor Romania
demirel.sachir: Sunset in Romania
demirel.sachir: Ciucas Mountains
evisdotter: Swan family
Lens and Shutter: A landscape view in Niagara Gorge.
Domikawa4: Ring of Dingle
AnBind: Eiszaphen im Rampenlicht
adilemoigne: épave abandonnée
Steve Daggar: 0S1A4046
Halldor Jonsson Photography: Dimond beach sunrise
billd_48: Macro Mondays - Bathroom
Denis Cauchoix: Jean Claude le retour
Keith Coldron: Sun Dog (in Explore)
Keith Coldron: Sunrise
Keith Coldron: Mammatus Cloud (In Explore)
coulportste: Sefton Park
demirel.sachir: C i u c a s M o u n t a i n s
Sonarsgs: Early Sunrise
Christine down south: Chilling on the pier