Mwise1023: Prom_AR_Limb_HA_DS_150mmF32_IMX432_Color_05022024
Mwise1023: AR3664_AR3668_HA_DS_150mmF32_IMX432_Color_05082024
SolarCarbon60: 20240509_430nm_AR13664_13668_Red
Astrobobo: Comet Garradd & M 15
Mark Townley: Ha FD DS50 2x cemax zwo183mm
SolarCarbon60: 20160911_Prom_Inverted
PetrusKurppa: More frames per stack, lots of fine details inside prominence.
Alexandra's Astronomy: 2014-07-05 full disc f colour The solar chromosphere (hydrogen alpha)
Mwise1023: Proms_HA_150mmF8_IMX290_Color_04232023
Brian Colville: LS80T_LS75_134230_FDa
Photonfisher: Animation of the south limb of the sun on 5/24/2022
Alexandra's Astronomy: 2023-03-17 Halpha Solar disc f colour
Alexandra's Astronomy: 2023-03-17 Halpha Proms 02 f colour
Rigel123: NE-Limb-3-5-2023
Rigel123: SE Prom Animation 3 5 2023
osama.fa: Cosmic Love above the Pyramids (Crescent MOON_ JUPITER _ VENUS)
Mwise1023: SolarDisc_HA_60mmF15_IMX253_BW_09032021
Mwise1023: SurgeProm_HA_150mmF20_IMX174_BW_01082023
Mwise1023: SolarDisc_HA_DS_60mmF20_IMX174_BW_07152022
OMRay: Mars 24/11/22