Best of Geek: Red-backed Shrike
Best of Geek: Wryneck
Best of Geek: Juvenile Lammergeier
Best of Geek: Sandwich Tern
Best of Geek: Black-browed Albatross
Best of Geek: Black-browed Albatross showing underwing
Best of Geek: Black-browed Albatross Closeup
Best of Geek: Black-browed Albatross over Staple Newk
Best of Geek: Northern Gannets
Alan McCluskie: Common Pochard (m) Explore #58 6/2/21
krzkaiiu60: Verderón
go.mg59: Panthère -
BirdsnStuff2023: Eastern Bluebirds Jan.10, 2021
BirdsnStuff2023: Eastern Bluebirds Jan.10, 2021
Tony Shertila: Water Gods
bobchappell55: K32P5740c Kingfisher, Lackford Lakes, September 2019 Male Great Spotted Woodpecker
Simon Barrett Photography: Female bullfinch
williespictures: Unna_Grafitti_1
tingel79: Singdrossel / Turdus philomelos / Passeriformes
mathijsdekoning: Beach picture