jangel102: ~ "Birthday Girl..." @ RSMC38 <3
jangel102: ~ One Love Beach ♥
jangel102: ~ "I was miles away..." @ Natthimmel ♥
jangel102: ~ “Oblivion..." <3
jangel102: ~ “Heimen" - Natthimmel ♥
jangel102: ~ Elvion <3
jangel102: ~ Natthimmel - No. 2 <3
jangel102: "Letting Go..." @ Missing Melody <3
jangel102: ~ Borkum
jangel102: Big Sur ... <3
jangel102: Detroit, Toledo & Ironton R.R. ...:) @ Cherishville-Detroit
jangel102: " do Not try this at home..." :) @ Cherishville-Detroit
jangel102: ~ Pemberley
jangel102: ~ The Last Aokigahara Souls ^
jangel102: ~ Szystrum Synod - Fantasy Faire 2023
jangel102: ~ Battleship Yamato…
jangel102: "Patience..." @ Natthimmel
jangel102: "Left Behind..." @ Elvion <3
jangel102: "Time to head home..." - For Cindy @ C.H.C. :) <3
jangel102: "Retrograde..."
jangel102: "Books, Coffee & Chairs - Oh My!"
jangel102: "Last Kiss ..." Sailing the new Machi :)
jangel102: "Running the Show" @ Hashima Island <3
jangel102: Panjin
jangel102: ~ Winter Portrait - 2022
jangel102: "Last Roundup" @ Bassett Town - Fantasy Faire 2022
jangel102: "Bee-Hive..." - Sunken Honey @ FantasyFaire 2022 <3
jangel102: " Meet Around 10..." @ Goatswood & Whitby :)
jangel102: Furillen
jangel102: "she's a lot like you..." @ RockMead <3