Hannoversche Soldaten 1800-1918: 30.5.1916 - "Karl" of Bavarian IR16 or RIR16 sends greetings home - note the Scharfschütze behind them, "working" while they are working on a dugout.
Hannoversche Soldaten 1800-1918: A really nice and detailed shot of an Einjährig Freiwilliger Gefreiter of 1. Königlich Sächsisches Jäger-Bataillon Nr. 12. Picture made in Dresden, ca. 1870. Note the Kordel on the Schulterklappe!
Hannoversche Soldaten 1800-1918: 1870/71 - an infantryman of 4. Königlich Sächsisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 103 in Bautzen poses, presumably before leaving for France. The picture is too bright, also sadly there is no name given, but the perspective on the Zündnadelgewehr is nice!
Hannoversche Soldaten 1800-1918: Senior NCOs of Königs-Ulanen-Regiment (1. Hannoversches) Nr. 13 pose shortly before WW1 - note the Kronenorden-Medaille to the right, the Schießauszeichnung and the Fechtabzeichen!
Hannoversche Soldaten 1800-1918: A nifty Bavarian officer, likely Oberleutnant, ca. 1860-1866. Just love the Raupenhelm M 45 and the Gorget (Ringkragen). No place info but the bright lapels point to one of the regiment with yellowish colors.
Hannoversche Soldaten 1800-1918: Very early colorized CDV - NCO of Prussian IR 32. I just love that shine-through-effect of the clothes compared to the later "lacquered" ones. This one was taken in Coblenz or Saarlouis ca. 1861-1867 (Regt. in Mainz).
Hannoversche Soldaten 1800-1918: A senior Sergeant of the Prussian army, veteran of all three wars of unification. I know his name and unit, but wont name him here, because pictures of him were stolen from the mail after I bought them some years ago ;-)
Hannoversche Soldaten 1800-1918: Georg Adolf / Adolph von Schneider-Egestorf, born Schneider on 6.1.1834 at Klötze (Prov. Saxony, Prussia) as son of the former Hanoverian Oberst Friedrich Schneider who had married a woman from Prussian nobility.
Hannoversche Soldaten 1800-1918: This is what I would call an „imperial German badass“! I was delighted to find this gem in the personal album of an 1870/71 medical officer of Dragoner-Regiment 14.
Hannoversche Soldaten 1800-1918: Father and son. Ludwig (Louis) Karl Edmund Lendorff (*1840 Karlsruhe) was an officer in the duchy of Baden army. After being a cadet he served from 1859 to 1876 (IR112), fought in the wars of 1866 and 1870/71 (heavily wounded) and was dismissed as Major.
Hannoversche Soldaten 1800-1918: Joh. Heubuch (?) of 2te Kompanie Bavarian Landsturm Infanterie Bataillon Kempten, postcard sent on 29.8.15.
Hannoversche Soldaten 1800-1918: The time has taken its toll on this one - but i like it! Kürassier Albert Laabs of Kürassier-Regiment „Königin“ (Pommersches) Nr. 2. Picture taken in Pasewalk (Garrison) by "Carl Block, painter and photographer, near Stettin gate". Likely 1860s.
Hannoversche Soldaten 1800-1918: Maurepas (Somme), a summers day on 14.8.16 - relative calmness in a Hohlweg (sunken lane) in the "vordere Linie" (close to the frontline). From a group of pics of Lt. d. Res. Berger (Bav. RIR 12).
Hannoversche Soldaten 1800-1918: A Brunswick Einjährig Freiwilliger Unteroffizier (NCO officer-candidate). Picture likely ca. 1910. From 1889 only 3rd (Leib-)Bataillon of IR92 wore the skull. From 1912 the whole regiment. He wears the officers private purchase skull! Thanks, Julien!
Hannoversche Soldaten 1800-1918: Early 1860s - George V, the "blind king" of Hanover, poses as Chef of his Garde du Corps cavalry Regiment in the Gesellschaftsanzug of the said unit. He would loose his kingdom in the war of 1866. Hanover, photographer Edgar Lulves.
Hannoversche Soldaten 1800-1918: War remembrance medal for the volunteers of 1813, Kingdom of Hanover, donated 1841. I love the design - this is the officer's version with round eyelet. Very special is the ultra-rare miniature (private purchase)
Hannoversche Soldaten 1800-1918: Some jolly Brunswickers of IR 92 in Munster (training grounds), sometime in ww1. They look young... Interesting is the photographers equipment in the back right, used to keep standing people in position!
Hannoversche Soldaten 1800-1918: Ernst Pötzsch, Schlosser (locksmith) from Saxony, has his picture taken ca. 1866 - I love the clearly visible shako detail :-) - picture belongs to the Saxons in Vienna where he is presumably pictured, too
Hannoversche Soldaten 1800-1918: Meet the original seven dwarfs! ;-) jolly Bavarian Minenwerfer-men from a large group recently aquired... Please note the Minenwerfer-cover-construction to the left!
Hannoversche Soldaten 1800-1918: Bavarian Unteroffizier Karl Schricker, in 1916 he served in 3. Pionier Ersatz Bataillon, Ingolstadt, this picture was sent on 30.09.1917 from a winter-position in the Vogesen mountains, no unit but presumably also Pioneers. Knife handle in left boot!
Hannoversche Soldaten 1800-1918: Saxons in Vienna (Sachsen in Wien) 1866 - these members of the Saxon military pose in the KuK capital after the crushing defeat at Königgrätz 1866, where Prussia and its allies beat Austria and Saxony, paving the way for German unifcation...
Hannoversche Soldaten 1800-1918: Landwehr-Mann, presumably during a training call ("Manöver"), ca. 1890, Celle.
Hannoversche Soldaten 1800-1918: Early 1864 - two NCOs of 3. Garde-Regiment zu Fuß in Potsdam pose for the camera, imitating a "get the grub"-scene on campaign. Note the Schießauszeichnung on the sleeve!
Hannoversche Soldaten 1800-1918: 1864 against Denmark, von Michaelis, Rittmeister, 7. Dragoner-Regiment, picture taken in Flensburg. Note the "winter equipment" which was an absolute necessity yet not suitable facing the exceptionally harsh weather in the winter campaign of 1864.
Hannoversche Soldaten 1800-1918: 1866 - in Mühlhausen (Thüringen) an Ulanen-Offizier of Thüringisches Ulanen-Regiment Nr. 6 poses for the camera. Likely a reserves officer given the Dienstauszeichnungs-Kreuz (for 25 years of service) and his low rank (Premier-Lieutenant).
Hannoversche Soldaten 1800-1918: 1870 - a man of the Ducal Brunswick / Herzoglich Braunschweigischen Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 92 ready to depart for France. Really nice shot with lots of detail!
Hannoversche Soldaten 1800-1918: 1863 - female Polish warrior Anna Henryka Pustowójtówna (1838–1881), alias "Michał Smok", adjutant to Marian Langiewicz, one of the leaders of the January Uprising.
Hannoversche Soldaten 1800-1918: 1864 against Denmark - von Drewitz - Premierlieutenant and Adjutant in the 7. Dragoner-Regiment.
Hannoversche Soldaten 1800-1918: Ca. 1870 - A man of Bredows "Todesritt"? Cuirassier of Kürassier-Regiment „von Seydlitz“ (Magdeburgisches) Nr. 7. Not unlikely that he, on 16/8/1870, in the Franco-Prussian War took part with his regiment, UR 16 + DR 19, in the Battle of Mars-la-Tour.
Hannoversche Soldaten 1800-1918: Gänsehirte im Trusental (Goose-herder in the Truse-valley near Brotterode, Thuringia), ca. 1880