polkbritton: Bird's Eye View: Spectators at a scrap salvage rally at Griffith Stadium, Washington, D.C., August 1942.
polkbritton: And Now, the News: Mr. Babcock, an American war worker, tuning in for war news on his radio. Rochester, New York, March 1943.
polkbritton: Taking a Sight: Boys trained in the fundamentals of navigation may become technicians in the armed service, Los Angeles, California. Student Thomas Graham in the Victory Corps at Polytechnic High School. September 1942.
polkbritton: OK Corral: P-51 Mustang fighter planes being prepared for test flight at the field of North American Aviation plant in Inglewood, California. October 1942.
polkbritton: The Ice Route: A bus going through the snow near Connecticut Avenue and Chevy Chase Circle, Washington, D.C. March 1942.
polkbritton: Good Humor: The Good Humor man comes to a trailer camp on Saturday afternoon. These children are sons of torpedo plant workers in Alexandria, Virginia, March 1941.
polkbritton: Over the Shoulder: A woman watches the Queen of the Cherry Blossom Festival being crowned. Washington, D.C., May 1941.
polkbritton: The Right Word at the Right Time: Street scene showing the effect of the gasoline shortage in Washington, D.C., 1942.