polkbritton: Skylark: An airliner on the field seen through the window of the waiting room. Municipal airport, Washington, D.C. July 1941.
polkbritton: Globetrotters: Decoration on the floor of the waiting room in the municipal airport in Washington, D.C. July 1941.
polkbritton: Silver Fleet: In the main waiting room of the municipal airport in Washington, D.C., July 1941.
polkbritton: Fill er Up: An airliner refueling. Washington, D.C. municipal airport, July 1941.
polkbritton: Into the Blue: Airliners lined upon the field. Municipal airport, Washington, D.C., July 1941.
polkbritton: At the entrance to the municipal airport in Washington, D.C., July 1941.
polkbritton: Last Call: Waiting for instructions to take off. Washington D.C. municipal airport, July 1941.
polkbritton: Pre-fight: Oil for the engine of an airliner preparatory to takeoff. Municipal airport, Washington, D.C. July 1941.
polkbritton: Tarmac Roost: A group of Airliners on the field at the Municipal airport, Washington, D.C., July 1941.
polkbritton: Traffic Control: Plane coming in at the municipal airport, seen from the control tower, Washington, D.C. July 1941.
polkbritton: Cool in Summer: Keeping the airliner air-conditioned while it is on the ground. Municipal airport, Washington, D.C., July 1941.
polkbritton: Ticket Please: From behind one of the ticket counters in the waiting room. Washington, D.C. municipal airport, July 1941
polkbritton: Weather Man: In the teletype room, where weather data and other information is constantly being received. Municipal airport, Washington, D.C. July 1941.
polkbritton: Wait Here: Entrance to the waiting room at the municipal airport, in Washington, D.C. 1941
polkbritton: Spare a Dime: Passenger waiting for his plane in the lobby of the municipal airport. Washington, D.C. July 1941.
polkbritton: The Watchers: Looking out over the field from the south concourse. Municipal airport, Washington, D.C. July 1941
polkbritton: Beehive: In the ticket reservations department of one of the airliners. Washington, D.C. municipal airport, July 1941
polkbritton: Fueling Up: In the cafe at the municipal airport in Washington, D.C. July 1941.
polkbritton: Panorama: In the main waiting room at the municipal airport in Washington, D.C., July 1941
polkbritton: Three's a Crowd: Passengers in the waiting room at the municipal airport in Washington, D.C. July 1941