Melse Resident: Martyr + Fresh face cuts - Evo X gift @ Astrophe
Lunar <3: Double Giveaway! New Release! Lunar - Yume @equal10!
Melse Resident: Martyr + Morte Scars - eBody Reborn @ Disturbed
Mahorine Vaher: Asian Fusion
LimitedAddiction: Limited Addiction - I'm The Problem
Hope Van Mansdaele: ' Love me like you do '
Bladee.: Deathwish
AuroSL: My entry to the SL Living Expo Decorating Contest
Kyron.: The Message
Wick of Spite: Secrets
Kyron.: Lass die Nacht nicht über mich fallen
CULT The Following Has Begun.: ⛧⛧ Cristian for the TMD Event! + Giveaway is now Closed ⛧⛧
DV Core: dv piercing dev2
DV Core: gym shirt dev kupra 3
Lexi Amare: The time between good night to good morning, all poetries are mentioned by her with his love and their good memories
Lokh Moon: ɴɪɢʜᴛ'ꜱ ᴇᴛᴇʀɴᴀʟ ᴋᴇᴇᴘᴇʀ
{Limerence}: 🎁{Limerence} Midori hair with 50% off special for The Outlet: A Seraphim Infinity Event
[MoonSha]: [MoonSha] Lovebird - Valentines Day
SomeoneSL: Ombre Lip Set
CULT The Following Has Begun.: ⛧⛧ Asami for Kawaii Secret Event! + Giveaway is now Closed ⛧⛧
Wick of Spite: Best Friends
Melse Resident: Martyr + BOM Vampire Lover - Scratches & Bites eBody Reborn @ Astrophe Vae, ignis tinea fio.
Kyron.: and may your dreams come true
Mahorine Vaher: Voodoo For Your Love
CULT The Following Has Begun.: ⛧⛧ Kalila for K9 Weekend Sale!!! ⛧⛧
CULT The Following Has Begun.: ⛧⛧ Emery for K9 Weekend Sale!!! ⛧⛧