deathdujour: Master Oogway
deathdujour: Playtime
pdajsmith: Since You've Been Gone.
Karsten Gieselmann: Up and down the stairs
tofbuis: DSC_9349-NEF_DxO_DeepPRIMEXD_DxO
Sheuli Hossain: Mango Leaf
sterno_yankees: ROCK AND ROLL! MMJ!
desomnis: Autumn and a touch of Winter
Carole Carole: Found in my house today
Creative Nature & Wildlife: Bohemian Waxwing
Pig Pang: Fast Food NY in explore Nr. 6 😊
·dron·: zero gravity
michael-otto-foto: red rail bus
Thomas de Franzoni: Eyes of Oblivion
Prisoners Dilemma: Thousand Reflections
divemecressi: Pink Skunk Clownfish (Amphiprion perideraion)
Robin Wechsler: Orange plus yellow equals a leaf in late fall
davie ch: DSC_4523-Edit-Edit
Elena m.d.: Así como cuando la arena te quema pero te da igual porque vas hacia el mar, así deberíamos vivir siempre.
Alan MacKenzie: Autumn on the Rocks
lsmart: Jazz