Corita Fernando: "Their Eyes Were Watching God"
Corita Fernando: Seeking Freedom
Corita Fernando: Sun-flower
Corita Fernando: Great escape
Corita Fernando: What a beautiful dream!
Corita Fernando: Ivory tower #WSU #Pullman #Washington
Corita Fernando: To all the bugs I’ve loved
Corita Fernando: #Flower #Picnic #TeaEstates #SriLanka #loolcandera #PineTrees
Corita Fernando: Letting go #lego #converse #allStars #AdultingIsHard #FloorLife
Corita Fernando: #Goddammit
Corita Fernando: We are women made of leaves...
Corita Fernando: #ThroughHerLens
Corita Fernando: Kelly #ThroughHerLens
Corita Fernando: #ThroughHerLens
Corita Fernando: #ThroughHerLens
Corita Fernando: Mandaram #ThroughHerLens
Corita Fernando: #ThroughHerLens