donuts_ftw: Ball Lighting
donuts_ftw: Ball Lighting 2
donuts_ftw: Technic sphere
donuts_ftw: Truncated dodecahedron
donuts_ftw: Slime ball 2
donuts_ftw: Pheonix Sunburst crouching
donuts_ftw: Hatches open
donuts_ftw: Best Sci-fi at BrickUniverse Raleigh 2018
donuts_ftw: Leg fram back
donuts_ftw: Frame knee bend
donuts_ftw: Pheonix Sunburst kneeling
donuts_ftw: Geared hips/shoulder frame back
donuts_ftw: Geared hips/shoulder frame breakdown
donuts_ftw: Spine front
donuts_ftw: The Red Comet
donuts_ftw: Spine side
donuts_ftw: Geared hips/shoulder frame front
donuts_ftw: Pheonix Sunburst leg frame front
donuts_ftw: Slime ball
donuts_ftw: Pod overhead/breakdown
donuts_ftw: Scaffolding 2
donuts_ftw: Scaffolding structure
donuts_ftw: Scaffolding 1
donuts_ftw: Thruster and radiator/vent flap movement
donuts_ftw: Cockpit and weapon details
donuts_ftw: "The Lobster"
donuts_ftw: Top/Front/Back view
donuts_ftw: Mandible rotation/movement demo
donuts_ftw: Mandible lateral movement demo