jeb0223: My son Mitch’s Ontario Canada rainbow from Thurs Oct 01
jeb0223: My singular summer 2 yr old Miss Hosta
jeb0223: It’s daffodils’ season with their sunny faces
jeb0223: Samovars - Courtesy of the Internet
jeb0223: Samovars - Courtesy of the Internet
jeb0223: Samovars - Courtesy of the Internet
jeb0223: Contrast of a summer leaf affixed to glass door & early autumn snow background
jeb0223: Autumn in Ontario Canada
jeb0223: Stratford on Avon Ontario Canada
jeb0223: WW2 Harvard
jeb0223: Port Maitland on Lake Erie x 2
jeb0223: Port Maitland on Lake Erie x 2
jeb0223: Tiger Lilies
jeb0223: A Summer’s Night