alaingillot19: Martin Pêcheur gourmand - Alcedo atthis - hungry King fisher P1060545
alaingillot19: P1160789 (2)
alaingillot19: Thomise variable- Misumena vatia- crab spider P1160694
alaingillot19: Prudence!!! Let's be careful!!!! P1160688
alaingillot19: Syrphe ceinturé - Episyrphus balteatus - marmalade hoverfly P1170908
alaingillot19: Canards au soleil levant - Ducks in rising sun
alaingillot19: Envole-moi!!!
alaingillot19: Grues cendrées - Common Cranes - Grus grus
alaingillot19: oies rieuses et autres? - Greater white-fronted geese - Anser albifrons 0605-ALAIN GILLOT
alaingillot19: Bécasse des bois - (Eurasian) Woodcock - Scolopax rusticola - 10689-ALAIN GILLOT
alaingillot19: Mont Saint Michel (France)
alaingillot19: Près de Calvi, Corse, France - close to Calvi, Corsica, France
alaingillot19: Monticole bleu - Blue Rock Thrush
alaingillot19: Dinant (Belgium) by night
alaingillot19: chamois - mountain goat
alaingillot19: Moineaux domestiques - House Sparrows
alaingillot19: Canard mandarin - mandarin Duck
alaingillot19: Calvi (Corse France - Corsica France)
alaingillot19: On a faim!!! We are hungry!!!
alaingillot19: Syrphe pyrastre sur fleur de chicorée - Scaeva pyrastri - pied hoverfly
alaingillot19: grands Cormorans - great Cormorants
alaingillot19: Cheveche cantatrice - Funny singing little Owl
alaingillot19: DSC_6826 (2) soleil couchant sur Compagnon rouge
alaingillot19: Splatch
alaingillot19: Alain Gillot joncs
alaingillot19: Phalarope à bec large - Phalaropus fulicarius - Red Phalarope
alaingillot19: DSC_9116 eclipse (2)
alaingillot19: ours brun - brown bear
alaingillot19: 4054-héron cendré en vol
alaingillot19: Coucou gris Common cuckoo