steven ruttenberg: 20200919_0494_6_Reduced
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steven ruttenberg: Black and white image of Crystal Mill, CO near Crested Butte Colorado. 4x5 shot with Chamonix 45H on TXP320. Exposed for an N-2 development. Used Red 25 filter. My initial take for N-2 was with Tmax developer at 1:4 and 8 min normal and reducing devel
steven ruttenberg: White Pocket at sunset. This one is proving difficult to get right. I may go back and rescan it and try again. I have to other images from that evening. 4x5, Portra160, Nikkor 75mm@f/32. Drum scanner with Howtek HiResolve8000 at 4000dpi.
steven ruttenberg: Crystal Mill
steven ruttenberg: Toroweep,North Grand Canyon
steven ruttenberg: Durst Ce1000 Enlarger
steven ruttenberg: Durst Ce1000 Enlarger
steven ruttenberg: Durst Ce1000 Enlarger
steven ruttenberg: Durst Ce1000 Enlarger
steven ruttenberg: Toroweep,North Grand Canyon
steven ruttenberg: Water Well
steven ruttenberg: Using Jobo Expert 3010 drum
steven ruttenberg: M42 Narrowband
steven ruttenberg: M42 Narrowband Practice
steven ruttenberg: Checking for shift in collimation.
steven ruttenberg: Colllimating a Meade SCT 10in LX50
steven ruttenberg: Colllimating a Meade SCT 10in LX50