Magmafrost13: The Diver and Steed
djokson: neon orchid
djokson: brainworm
Brandon.Builds: MAKUTA: Definitive Edition
Ezreel: Ashen Reaper
woomy world: Flameguard
MinotaurSauce: Vahi, Protector of Time
dviddy: The Iron Warden
Karf Oohlu Lite: Angle Angel
loafbuilds: Bruiser
dv_mocs: Malum
loafbuilds: Venus
Karf Oohlu Lite: Celestial Preacher
loafbuilds: Hypergriff
kaneczi: Gali, Toa of Water
Space Glove: Takadox
LEGO DOU Moko: Vehicle-Bot 03
Brandon.Builds: Artahka | The Primary
Sparks ️: Forest Guardian
Lord-Oblivion: STRIDENT
-Disty-: Hornet - Lego Battlebot
-Disty-: Hornet - Lego Battlebot
Crackinbonks: Trident
Karf Oohlu Lite: Hands off! Them's red room tools only!
LEGO DOU Moko: LEGO Dino Megazord 大獣神
Karf Oohlu Lite: Arak Ned
CareCreations: Journey to Sri Lanka
WyndGekko: Bulk
Karf Oohlu Lite: Federation Starship 'Congerie'