ernst.koeppel: birch trees along the path
ernst.koeppel: winterdress
ernst.koeppel: it's evening
ernst.koeppel: just a piece of land
ernst.koeppel: out of the forest
ernst.koeppel: town view
ernst.koeppel: along the way
ernst.koeppel: rural colors
ernst.koeppel: waiting
ernst.koeppel: bench in fog
ernst.koeppel: wearing away in fresh green
ernst.koeppel: on the way
ernst.koeppel: bottle and dried roses / red
ernst.koeppel: bouquet of flowers
ernst.koeppel: renovation
ernst.koeppel: Entrance
ernst.koeppel: ..soaking up the atmosphere
ernst.koeppel: volery in dusk
ernst.koeppel: être en france
ernst.koeppel: forms and colors
ernst.koeppel: crossing ways
ernst.koeppel: in the mist