josephkielbasa: Belted Kingfisher
josephkielbasa: An Eastern Bluebird.
josephkielbasa: I’m in love with these seals.
josephkielbasa: A Horned Grebe.
josephkielbasa: Herring Gull
josephkielbasa: A Great Horned Owl finishing off some preening.
josephkielbasa: The moon at 99.6% tonight but just awaiting the super moon.
josephkielbasa: A Hooded Merganser (Male)
josephkielbasa: Here’s my first shot with my new camera the Nikon D750 a Hooded Merganser.
josephkielbasa: Ruby-crowned Kinglet
josephkielbasa: Send help, can’t stop taking Seal pictures.
josephkielbasa: An Eastern Phoebe
josephkielbasa: So happy to see the seals again.
josephkielbasa: The king Bald Eagle
josephkielbasa: Great Horned Owl which are simply more than great but amazing.
josephkielbasa: I hope to get to see these Eaglets again.
josephkielbasa: Squirrels I swear love posing for shots
josephkielbasa: Sanderling
josephkielbasa: Mute Swan
josephkielbasa: An Eastern Phoebe
josephkielbasa: Hail to the king baby!
josephkielbasa: An Eastern Towhee
josephkielbasa: Sanderling
josephkielbasa: An Osprey with a catch.
josephkielbasa: Chipping Sparrow.
josephkielbasa: Look, a sailboat.
josephkielbasa: I never tire of that look.
josephkielbasa: I have an obsession with 🐰.
josephkielbasa: A Herring Gull.