CooperSky: The Waiting Room "TAG Game" if you like.
madebymodpop: Clone Doll Custom
madebymodpop: Mod Barbie Re-Roots
madebymodpop: Goth re-root
Dizin Dat: 4B Movement
Patty Is Totally Addicted To Barbie: Barbie clone Wellco Sarrah 1986
CooperSky: (3/3) Motherly Love at First Sight
CooperSky: (1/3) New members of Cooperstown
nelya.kharnas: Only Hearts Club dolls
Lunarh: Xian Xian Pri(n)cess 2024
brezybaby31: 20210317_090324
crischile77: Jenny 80s barbie clone (Flower Princess by Creata clone head mold)
CooperSky: This is the last one. I promise!
CooperSky: Eye of The Paul
CooperSky: My last doll in 2023 and my first lot of dolls in 2024. There's a lot to read so brace yourselves.
A Damsel in Distress: Remisier Brandy Caper Acte 2
CooperSky: 1990 'Dance Craze' Paul
CooperSky: 1990 'Dance Craze' Paul Hasbro doll
CooperSky: 4/4 Jem is a gem.
CooperSky: 2/4 At your service!
CooperSky: Maxie VS Sindy
nelya.kharnas: Basics Ken model #15, BFC ink. head, Harley Davidson Ken
crischile77: Susy doll
CooperSky: 'Pretty Pink' 1984 Sindy Boutique Fashion
Twisted Elegance 78: Kenneth Carson
CooperSky: 'Monte Carlo' Sindy 1993 Hasbro - brunette
crischile77: Smiling Betty, Gloria, or Sandys sister musical Melody
Twisted Elegance 78: Guess who got deboxed!
CooperSky: Free Wheelin' Paul 1989 & Lifeguard Paul 1993