Dee Fiant: Put me in coach! **Really missing baseball season right now** Stay home so we can get back to our normal lives please πŸ’‹
Dee Fiant: β€œI love those who can smile in trouble.”– Leonardo da Vinci
Dee Fiant: What the world needs now, is love, sweet love. Happy Rezz Day Abigail Kristen Haystack!
Dee Fiant: I'm One in a Billion
Dee Fiant: Happy New Year!
Dee Fiant: Farewell Summer
Dee Fiant: Forever Young - Altamura Clodet Full Bento Body-
Dee Fiant: Happy 2nd Rezz Day Dee!
Dee Fiant: Group Cover for Love 2 Secondlife
Dee Fiant: Altamura Modern Day Romeo & Juliet Netflix and Chill
Dee Fiant: Juliet Altamura Full Bento Avatar - Customer Photo Contest 2019
Dee Fiant: He never saw it coming...
Dee Fiant: Romance is not Dead.
Dee Fiant: Jealous of Your Cigarette
Dee Fiant: Wish You Were Here
Dee Fiant: A Kiss to Build a Dream On.
Dee Fiant: A mermaid emerges from the falls... *my first attempt at hair in water... ‍♀️
Dee Fiant: Waitin’ for my Love
Dee Fiant: All I want for Christmas is you! Captured by Dean Haystack Edited by Me
Dee Fiant: Thank you for the cover photo! πŸ’‹
Dee Fiant: Criminal
Dee Fiant: This is the proper one. Staying on flickr too! Follow me and i will follow back <3
Dee Fiant: Haystack Halloween!
Dee Fiant: At Last
Dee Fiant: Oceans Between Us
Dee Fiant: Future Mrs. Dean Haystack
Dee Fiant: Jane Says
Dee Fiant: Spring
Dee Fiant: ~I Got Issues~
Dee Fiant: Young and Beautiful