~LiliAnn~: Abandoned farm
~LiliAnn~: Back to October
~LiliAnn~: Still life with apples
~LiliAnn~: Egrets
~LiliAnn~: Still life with black grapes
Dr.Freezer: Foggy morning
~LiliAnn~: Still life
~LiliAnn~: Still life with flowers
~LiliAnn~: Vegetables from my garden
kodl68: Blue beauty
gilgit2: Gadwall (Anas strepera)
~LiliAnn~: Still life with Books and Peonies
~LiliAnn~: Lily of the Valley
~LiliAnn~: Still life with Pears. Triptych
andriot.jac: Sterne mère et petit
lubys2: Sunrise in Waterton.
lubys2: Foggy Morning.
Fallowsite: Insomnia.
Dr.Freezer: Fog and Mountain
Dr.Freezer: Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery
Dr.Freezer: Sunrise and water
Laperuz: Autumn on the bank of the Kamenka river
ludivine27: Un matin au Val d'Orcia, Toscane, Italie.
ludivine27: Nature morte
ludivine27: Les moulins de Kinderdijk dans le coucher de soleil, Pays-Bas, Europe.
philippe.vitel29: Après Céline et l'ouragan Cirian puis Domingos, c'est le tour d'Elisa de balayer la Bretagne 😤
~LiliAnn~: Still life with Tulips