aquathom: Snow and Greater White-fronted geese
aquathom: BNSF westbound across the wetlands
aquathom: Marsh wren
aquathom: Sora, out and about
aquathom: Western gulls on removed fender pieces beneath the New East Span of the SFOBB
aquathom: Demolition of the apron on Pier E3
aquathom: Tightlock couplers
aquathom: Leaf springs coach SP 2195
aquathom: Folsom Blvd and Parkshore Drive in Folsom
aquathom: Black-necked stilts and a dragonfly
aquathom: Rainbow trout fry, late summer
aquathom: Brown trout fry, late summer
aquathom: Snorkeling Taylor Creek
aquathom: Great blue heron along the shoreline
aquathom: Cottonwoods and old mining tailings
aquathom: Black Phoebe in a cottonwood tree
aquathom: Seven loads amongst almond orchards and Highway 120
aquathom: Out of Escalon
aquathom: It will always be the Tidewater to me
aquathom: Sacramento Regional Transit 402 bridging Sunrise Blvd
aquathom: Pikeminnow swim in the North Fork of the American River
aquathom: Barbed wire fence along I-5 near Newman
aquathom: River Highlights
aquathom: SP ALCo PA-3 on the point of 101 in Martinez, CA
aquathom: Hornbrook Turn climbing the south slope Siskiyou summit
aquathom: Hardhead in the North Fork American River upstream of Iowa Hill Road
aquathom: Wooden fence with lichen
aquathom: Smallmouth bass and water sunbeams in the Merced River
aquathom: Smallmouth bass congregation, North Fork of the American River
aquathom: Smallmouth bass in the Merced River