seco_66: Red Fox in the snow
seco_66: Red Fox in the snow
seco_66: Red Fox in the snow
seco_66: 2023-04-22 Algonquin moose
seco_66: Bald Eagle overlooking the Niagara River
seco_66: At the CRC in Vittoria, ON
seco_66: Rockway Conservation Area (Nov. 26/21)
seco_66: Rockway Conservation Area (Nov. 26/21)
seco_66: Horseshoe Falls in the morning.
seco_66: Jumping Spider with a snack
seco_66: Turkey Vulture overlooking the Niagara Gorge.
seco_66: Black Vulture perched along the Niagara Parkway.
seco_66: Worst hide 'n' seek players EVER! :)
seco_66: Great Blue Heron wading through the Marsh.
seco_66: 2020-07-04 Lynde Shores
seco_66: 2020-08-03 Biggar Lagoons
seco_66: 2020-07-19 Hummer
seco_66: 2020-08-09 Ponds (266)
seco_66: 2020-08-08 NC Ponds
seco_66: 2020-08-09 Ponds
seco_66: Ya...I gotta remember to knock first
seco_66: Cranberry Marsh, Whitby, ON
seco_66: Cranberry Marsh, Whitby, ON
seco_66: Cranberry Marsh, Whitby, ON
seco_66: Cranberry Marsh, Whitby, ON
seco_66: Cranberry Marsh, Whitby, ON
seco_66: Breakfast of Champions - Female Red-winged Blackbird gathering her morning bounty :)
seco_66: Breakfast of Champions - Female Red-winged Blackbird gathering her morning bounty :)
seco_66: Breakfast of Champions - Female Red-winged Blackbird gathering her morning bounty :)
seco_66: Song Sparrow