thomasgalliano: Sareht, 83 years old, train station cleaner.
thomasgalliano: Raining season in Sri Lanka.
thomasgalliano: Art work or Hard work?
thomasgalliano: Beauty in the dark.
thomasgalliano: Gateway to paradise.
thomasgalliano: She sells expressions.
thomasgalliano: Stop the train I'm leaving.
thomasgalliano: Waterfalls.
thomasgalliano: Lake farm.
thomasgalliano: What is love?
thomasgalliano: O captain! My captain!
thomasgalliano: Real life.
thomasgalliano: Colours.
thomasgalliano: Shades of blue.
thomasgalliano: Fisherboy.
thomasgalliano: Keep on walking.
thomasgalliano: Send me only love letters.
thomasgalliano: Bangkok traffic.
thomasgalliano: Over the top.
thomasgalliano: We are not what we drive.
thomasgalliano: Hanging out.
thomasgalliano: Lake Como