oʇ[◎]ɥd | ʍɟɐ: Herbst im Schwarzwald - explored
oʇ[◎]ɥd | ʍɟɐ: Frosch im Verenabach
oʇ[◎]ɥd | ʍɟɐ: Wo ist die Nuss? Explored
oʇ[◎]ɥd | ʍɟɐ: Auf Augenhöhe
blavandmaster: Feeling the moment
blavandmaster: A river runs through it
Alvaro Colombo: Bubulcus ibis / Airone guardabuoi / Cattle egret
Alvaro Colombo: Bubulcus ibis / Airone guardabuoi / Cattle egret
Alvaro Colombo: Nycticorax nycticorax/ Nitticora / Night heron
tobyjug5: P8310016 Soldier fly, Chorisops nagatomii (Bright Four-spined Legionnaire) widespread but localised in UK
Chuck Tate: Covered Bridge
Chuck Tate: Another Day…
Chuck Tate: Egret
peter.holloway: Brighton Sunset
J. P. Krux: Hout Bay Harbour
J. P. Krux: Surfing The Waves
J. P. Krux: The Cry ...
s0340248: DSC40755 Grünsfeld Fischweiher 2022
s0340248: DSC40760 Grünsfeld Fischweiher 2022
s0340248: DSC40803 Grünsfeld Fischweiher 2022
s0340248: DSC40804 Grünsfeld Fischweiher 2022
Alligator427.67: Acrobaties amoureuses devant le nénuphar
blavandmaster: Goodbye July…
blavandmaster: Relax button
{jessica drossin}: Mother and Daughter
Alligator427.67: Le bonjour de Mme Calo...
Gary (Lincoln): Alnwick, Northumberland
Gary (Lincoln): Stamford, Lincolnshire
Gary (Lincoln): Norwich, Norfolk