beranekp: 2003-12-03 Brussel Tramway Nr.2031
Following Hadrian: Small marble portrait of Hadrian, from Lom region in northwestern Bulgaria on the right bank of the Danube, National Archaeological Museum, Bulgaria
Bryaxis: DSC02969
Bryaxis: DSC00053
dalbera: L'arche de Noé (mosaïques de la Chapelle palatine, Palerme)
Charles.Louis: Vézelay / Basilique Sainte-Marie-Madeleine - Nef Bas-côté Nord - Chapiteau
Bryaxis: PXL_20230724_102630271
byb64: Casa Ferrán, 1910, Pablo Monguió (1865-1956), calle Nueva, Teruel, Aragon, Espagne.
Mobile Lynn: It was worth the climb 503_5994.jpg
diffendale: Roman terracotta revetment plaque with naturalistic relief from Monte Rinaldo: detail of bird
- Ozymandias -: Hunt Mosaic
Bryaxis: DSC08004
LastOfTheTimeLords: York Minster (6 September 2022)
- Ozymandias -: Mithraeum
w.bienkowski4: IMG_20221113_123812231
Adam Swaine: Godwit on the River Hun Norfolk
byb64: Cathédrale Ste Marie de l'Assomption et St Genès, XIIIe siècle, San Miniato, province de Pise, Toscane, Italie.
fascinationwildlife: Baird's tapir
South Cambsman: Breamore St Mary
South Cambsman: Kilverstone St Andrew
Charles.Louis: Flavigny-sur-Ozerain / Porte du Bourg (vue côté campagne)
Charles.Louis: Reims / Porte de Mars
Mobile Lynn: Kestrel feeding time 503_5283.jpg
Mobile Lynn: Glossy Ibis 504_2472.jpg
Egisto Sani: Demetrios son of Alexis
Egisto Sani: Stele for a Naval Hoplite - II
byb64: La beauté des champs de blé entre Fès et Meknès, région de Fès-Meknès, Maroc.
w.bienkowski4: IMG_20220116_110215269