David A. Hofmann:
Buteogallus anthracinus Common Black-Hawk female
David A. Hofmann:
Zenaida asiatica White-winged Dove
David A. Hofmann:
Calidris alba Sanderling
David A. Hofmann:
Limosa fedoa Marbled Godwit
Nicolas Forestell:
Snow and Ross’s Geese at Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge
Nicolas Forestell:
Lincoln’s Sparrow in the Fort Mason Community Garden
Nicolas Forestell:
Sanderlings at Baker Beach
Nicolas Forestell:
Black-Capped Chickadee at Auntie Patricia’s House
Nicolas Forestell:
Orchard Oriole in the Fort Mason Community Garden
Nicolas Forestell:
Burrowing Owl on Robinson Road
Nicolas Forestell:
Peregrine Falcon at Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge
Nicolas Forestell:
Bridled Titmouse at Montezuma Castle
Nicolas Forestell:
Curve-Billed Thrasher in the Desert Botanical Garden
Eddie Monson:
Western Grebe
Eddie Monson:
Hermit Thrush
Eddie Monson:
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Eddie Monson:
Blackpoll Warbler
Eddie Monson:
Eddie Monson:
Virginia Rail
Eddie Monson:
Dinner Is Served
Eddie Monson:
Downy Woodpecker
Eddie Monson:
Lapland Longspur
Eddie Monson:
California Gnatcatcher
Eddie Monson:
Ross Geese
Eddie Monson:
Ferruginous Hawk
Eddie Monson:
Say's Phoebe
Eddie Monson:
Black-necked Stilt
Eddie Monson:
Bobbin' Baddie
Mourning Warbler Drakes Beach
Brown Pelican