Gaetan Bois: France - Nantes - Ducs de Bretagne Castle
Stephen B53: Migrant Hawker in flight
Yann OG: Grotte de Choranche
LOPEZ LUCIANO 8,000,000 VISITAS.GRACIAS....: Aves migratorias de República Dominicana: Aguila pescadora.(Pandion haliaetus.) Osprey.
Lens and Shutter: A footbridge going into a small rock island.
VitorJK: PR2 Lamego - Trilho do Vinho do Porto - N2815
VitorJK: Vila de Rei e Mação Project - with Soraia Lopes - 29/32 - N6825
CAJC: in the PNW: ...hangin' around this town on the corner...
♥ Robin: Cattle Egret
沐均青: 汐止 拱北殿
pierrearmero: 1W0A6827b1
sebastiánaguilar: <Plaza Mayor> Cáceres (Extremadura)
sebastiánaguilar: <Ayuntamiento> Cáceres (Extremadura)
Ron Vipond: A Little Red Beauty For New Year's Day.
antoinebouyer: Insecte
pierrearmero: B15A6197 jj
pierrearmero: 065A0389 jj
hexagonesun: It’s a feeling
hexagonesun: It happens once and rarely twice
MayorPaprika: Wa In The Snow - Bijou Planks 363/365
VitorJK: Atlantic Storm - N9707A
VitorJK: Vila de Rei e Mação Project - with Soraia Lopes - 11/32 - N4385
antoinebouyer: Araignée
Photo Alan: Night - Film Hasselblad
antoinebouyer: Punaise
pierrearmero: 065A6441 JJ
Ron Vipond: Mr Bullfinch