witness 108:
witness 108:
witness 108:
No 11 - our real home is inner peace <3
witness 108:
Findus III.
witness 108:
No 10 - what is silence? <3
witness 108:
No 9 - observing the mind <3
witness 108:
diving deep within oneself <3
witness 108:
rhythm <3
witness 108:
No 8 - seek for it within <3
witness 108:
No 7 -
witness 108:
heaven's support <3
witness 108:
No 6 - ... and the darkness of self ignorance vanishes <3
witness 108:
what am I doing? :-)
witness 108:
No 5 - empty and cognizing self existing wakefulness <3
witness 108:
No 4 - rest in that vibrant lucidity <3
witness 108:
No 3 - like the mirage <3
witness 108:
No 2 - just to be <3
witness 108:
No 1 - practice is needed <3
witness 108:
into the unknown <3
witness 108:
music shows the way <3
witness 108:
reverse the point of focus
witness 108:
first circle
witness 108:
witness 108:
light bodies
witness 108:
witness 108:
witness 108: