Benjamin.ZK: 451A0736
Benjamin.ZK: 451A0256
R.J Fox: Speechless
里卡豆: BenQ Screenbar plus|螢幕掛燈 旋鈕版
里卡豆: 車往上流|台東
NI-YAO: 林家花園-50
Vigny攝影生活(維尼): line_1076210151466568_mr1600178765745
Vigny攝影生活(維尼): line_1076123729375861
Vigny攝影生活(維尼): IMG_6678_mr1599825814100
Vigny攝影生活(維尼): IMG_6796_mr1599832642607
Robin Huang 35: DSC_4397
里卡豆: 玉里 客城鐵橋|花蓮 Hualien
stevey.seoul: P1250555-g0
Gildas_Photo: Etalon
stevey.seoul: Baseball Cheerleader, Seoul
里卡豆: SSSSSSSS|Mavic Air 2
stevey.seoul: P1090671-g1
里卡豆: 廍子公園|Taichung
里卡豆: Street CAT|TAIWAN
里卡豆: Meyer 50mm f/2.9|小白妖
里卡豆: 布袋|CHIAYI
里卡豆: 高跟鞋教堂空拍|布袋
Lens and Shutter: You never run out of fascination at the topographical structures around the tropical islands.
R.J Fox: There will always be sunsets at sunrise.