Logos: The Art of Photography: Protection Island Ferry Dock - Pentax PC35AF-M 35mm 1:2.8 (1984) with 9-year expired Kodak Gold ISO 200 Film (expired 2007)
Dan Portch: Caught in the Light
zr12345670: 178 2.5
Maria Eklind: Less than an inch - a game piece (explore 2018-02-26)
FotographyKS!: Portrait of a little Indian girl lost in deep thoughts!
albert dros: Dutch Milkyway
romiana70: Christmas at Nubble
hellotinashe: No. 1 : Waiting for the 501
MichelleSimonJadaJana: S90 Select 2010-11-24 18-33-23
Vander Vision: Portaits