David Roberts 01341: The Three Rings
JakeSadovich: Jabba's palace, meeting the Rancor
RagingPhotography: "Dang Rick, looks like Obamacare wasn't enough."
SuperLegoFan565: 02SarlaccPit
VAkattaka: Roll the Credits
DLBesq: Death Star
steinreichstudios: Mos Eisley Spaceport
JellyBeanie81: Speeder Bike Chase
mattosborne325: Jakku #lego
marsmoc: "Rrr Arrr Arrrrh!" (translation from Kashyykk: "Where's MY medal?"
marsmoc: Attack on Hoth
marsmoc: Yavin Throne Room Ceremony
mattosborne325: Princess #lego
marsmoc: Nice shot, Jannsen!
Lenz Phlair: Battle on Hoth
SirBrickalot: Chewbacca Steals an AT-ST
BrickHelix: Coruscant Airspace - Venator Flyby
Rogue Bantha: Good morning
Bartelas: Death Star Trench Run
BrianLEGO: Star Destroyer Over Jedha City
Emil Lidé: Ninja Horn Tree
Emil Lidé: When you're spending your Saturday morning flipping 1x1 round tiles with a pincer, things may have gone too far ;)
freshd67: Naboo fish escape
freshd67: These are not the Droids you're looking for
freshd67: These are not the droids you're looking for
freshd67: Endor ATST Chewie blast
freshd67: Hoth AT-AT attack on rebel base
freshd67: Cloud City Escort
freshd67: Cloud City
mattosborne325: Endor #lego